Elevating Your Purpose

Robin Trimingham
3 min readOct 3, 2022
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-black-jacket-sitting-on-a-cliff-11759856/

Last week I embarked on an article that was intended to be about “learning from your mistakes” but somewhere midway down the page it began to take on a life of its own and before I knew what had happened it suddenly became a piece on the much larger theme of renewal of human potential.

Proof — in an odd way — that I have indeed learned from my mistakes (at least when it comes to writing).

Gone are the days when I tried to be a perfect writer — obsessing over every comma, or whether I was staying “on topic” and worrying endlessly how my timid attempts to communicate would be received.

Gone are the days when I craved “likes” or comments or emojis of any sort as proof that my work was being read.

And gone with it (thankfully) is my ego as well — I am no longer writing for any other purpose than to help my fellow man in any way I can.

And living the truth of this last statement — and still being able to come up with a never-ending list of things to write about — is an unbelievably liberating experience and perhaps the greatest gift I have ever received — that I can now share with you.

For me, writing is no longer an attempt to become famous, or to be followed on social media, or revered, or adored, and my enthusiasm is not the least bit dampened by that fact the I currently have a whopping 7 followers on the platform where I host this blog.

And to each of you I say thank you simply for being you.

These days I write because I love to share ideas and give others something to think about as they go about their day without having any preconceived notions regarding what readers will take from my work, or what sorts of thoughts of their own it will subsequently inspire.

Equally, it is not for me to say who should find these words — or when they should find them — or even what they should take from them — it is only to hope that people do find them on the day that they most need to — be that today, or next week, or years from now.

And that is the real beauty of writing of the internet — because the internet is forever — 300 years from now if this blog post still exists in cyber space anyone in the world will be able to discover it on any device and probably hear it read to them in their own language.

And that got me thinking about how I could make these blog posts as engaging and immersive as possible.

And from that notion was born the idea of creating them into a series of video blogs — an incredibly simple and yet highly immersive micro-journey into the contemplative part of your mind that is also freely available for everyone to discover and enjoy in their own time — and affording me the peace of mind that comes from knowing I am building a legacy for all to enjoy.

I sincerely hope you do.

To view The Renewal of Human Potential, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIf-YlqwP2A&list=PL50m3Zoza6nNsikxpSWTU5-SYV12pTWlW&index=2&t=6s



Robin Trimingham

Freelance Writer, Journalist/International Podcaster/Videographer/MarCom Specialist/Co-Author of The Third Journey (on Amazon)